Once upon a time there was a man by the name of Michael Gordon Clifford. He has only three friends whose names were Luke Robert Hem Hem, Calum Thomas Hood and Ashton Fletcher Irwin. They all are rock stars in a strange land called Australia but they are also secret superheros.
One sweaty day Michael and his friends had just finished playing at one of their rock concerts. As they were walking away from the venue Ashton heard a BANG and a POW coming from the alley. Music started to play in the background. Dun, dun ,dun. Luke gave them a look saying ‘we're obviously going to check it out.’ The music began to play louder and louder as they came closer to the alley. Calum was leading the group like an army soldier. Calum crouched down with his hand in a fist signaling them to stop and copy him. They looked around the brick corner. There was a guy with a bat and barbed wire wrapped around it. The man pointed it to the guy on his knees. “Hi i’m Negan and this is Lucille and she is awesome.” He whispered while the man muffled through his gag. “What a shame you’ll never see Maggie again Glenn.” He was about to hit Glenn upside the head with Lucille.” STOP!!!!” Michael yelled. “ It’s go time” Calum said. They ran to Negan as fast as teenage mutant ninja turtles. Ashton grabbed Negan’s arms and held him back. Quickly Luke took Lucille away. Calum untied Glenn and told him to run away. Michael held onto Negan’s other arm while Luke began to traumatize Negan by waving his bat around. “Do you know what happens to people like you?” Negan spat at Luke. “You die.” Before Luke could do anything Michael cut him off. He moved Negan and began to talk to him.
After Michael let go of Negan Luke was furious with him. They were about to leave the creepy alley when they were stop by a old man. He stood in their narrow path with a black robe draping over his head. “Boys I have been watching you from afar.” The boys all looked at each other agitated. “ I have seen you fight guys bigger than you.” Again they looked at each other agitated. “ I am a wish granter.” “So you're a genie?” Asked Michael. “Yes.” “Calum what is you wish my son?” Calum thought for a while. “ Ughh Calum can you think faster, you're as slow as a snail.” “Alright, alright.” “I wish for a large Pepperoni pizza.” Everybody slammed their palms to their foreheads. “Your wish is granted.” He put his palms together and there was a glow that went by as fast as light. The perfect pepperoni pizza laid in front of Calum. We were all a little taken back by this. “Luke what is your wish?” “Um…..oh a purple pet penguin from Poland.” There was a flash like glow again. There stood an awkward purple penguin next to Luke’s lanky legs. Ashton giggle like a giraffe on helium. “Michael your wish.” “i wish for my hair to be as blue as a smurf. Zap. There stood a blue haired Michael. “Finally Ashton what is your wish. “I wish I was as tall as Luke.” Of course like everyone else Ashton’s wish was granted. Their was ashton wearing high heels. “Your height is just fine Ashton.” The old geyser said snickering his laughter.
Once the old man left everyone was happy with their wishes apart from Ashton who got alluring heels. Although as he took them off he thought it would be a good present for his mom.
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