Thursday 18 August 2016

Transparent Bloodbath

This week in our writing we were learning to write descriptive paragraphs. We were given an image and were told to describe it.
I liked the descriptive words I used. I liked finding new words and the meaning behind them. The most challenging thing was trying to stay on topic with my writing. Next time I could stay more on track with the image that was given to me.

In the horded streets cyclists hastened past each other peddling at a rapid speed. Sweat dripping off their fresh faces in 18 degrees weather. People started mobbing others to take photos of an out of breath cyclists. Cameras being shoved into people's ragged faces with unnecessary flashes going off. The egoistic cyclist casually smiled and waved to his ‘fans’ like he won an Oscar. Cars become crabby with the arrogant cyclists, PG gestures were directed towards the narcissistic citizens.

The jaded citizens stayed behind the metal gates ready to explode. They bulldoze each other out the way well standing on their fungus infested toe nails. The cyclists stalked each other to a near death stage, one after another they barreled past. Accidents were the main freak show to be seen. Cyclists fell down and hit the jagged ground with their soft feather like skin ripped. Citizens cheered as a transparent bloodbath had started. The metal gates fell and dirty shoes trampled the ground, a catty mob had broken loose.

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