Thursday 26 May 2016

Persuasive writing

WALT....Use a variety of different sentences structures in our writing.  

I recommend that students listen to music they like while working. When you have your earphones/headphones in your not going to be a distraction to others around you, because you’ll be more focus on your task. I personally think music makes me more focus because it’s like a pick me up. People are most likely going to be tired in the afternoon so why not play music as there pick me up. If they're tired they're going to lose focus and started to daydream, and that’s not going to be good for their grades.

Music can calm you down and it’ll make you work Faster. Image if the teacher piled a whole lot of work on your desk and told you to finish this by lunch, I guarantee you’ll start to freak out. I think if you took a deep breathe and played your favorite song you’ll get your work done at a high quality.

I think it depends on the music and on the person. If you play loud piercing music it’s going to distract you and your ability to work. If you play classical or any soft music you’ll be focused and get your work done. I think it depends on the person to. If you're the type of person that gets distracted easily, then you probably won’t like to play music while working.

In conclusion I think it does depend on the type of music you listen to and the person, but I personally think it will help your grades if you listen to soft or classical music. Music helps you stay focus and work faster.

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