Last week I did a DLO on Advent. I thought that it was fun finding the wreath to go with every slide. I liked how I changed the color for the slides. Next time I could add more information.
Monday, 12 December 2016
Thursday, 8 December 2016
Jesus Birth
This week we had to write about Jesus' birth. Next time I could add more images. I liked this because I forgot some of the things that happened in the story.
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
Jesse Tree
WALT.... combine and condense ideas and information from a range of texts to form and synthesis a new idea. I found this easy because I remember putting this on my slide show about Jesse Trees. Next time I could add images with my text.
Jesse Tree
This week me and my buddy made a Jesse Tree.I found it easy because all we have do to is copy, paste and add images. I found it hard to find the right image. Next time we could be more creative.
Biscuit Dunking
This week in our group we did a fair test.
I worked on this with Fiona and Amiele. I thought it was fun because I like biscuits and sometimes tea. Am I thought it was interesting how the biscuit changed to a brownish, grayish color before it dropped into the tea. I found it hard creating the slideshow and three people contorting it.
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
Wednesday, 9 November 2016
Camp 2016
Last week the year 5, 6, 7 and 8's went to Woodend Christian Camp. We did lots of fun activitys. My favorite was orienteering. The hardest thing on camp for me was trying to sleep without my phone or just my phone not being with me.
W.AL.T… Locate keywords and summaries information in our own words.
I enjoyed using thinklink for this because I never really used it before. Next time I could add more information.
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
Today I learned how to add and subtract decimals. I also learned how to identify tenths, hundreds and thousands in decimals. Next time I could add images and explain it better.
Today I learned something interesting about wolves and thought of sharing it with others. My favorite facts was that when a wolf leave his pack he rarely howls. Next time I could add more facts.
Monday, 7 November 2016
We had to create a game using some forces and motions. I thought that creating the game was fun. Next time we could add more detail.
Life of Crime
WARNING!!! some people many be sensitive to this, if you are sensitive to graphic crime descriptions do not read.
This term we did are own inquires, I choose crime. I liked this because I've always wanted to learn about crime. Next time I could add images.
Thursday, 27 October 2016
Transformation of shapes
In the first week of this term we learned about translation, rotation,reflection and enlargement. Our WALT was to describe transformation of shapes. I learned about these kind of things last year so all of this was just a reminder for me. Next time I could go into more detail and explained more about the angles.
Tuesday, 13 September 2016
Finding Jimmy
The past few weeks my buddy and I did an experiment on landfills. We wanted to see what will decompose the fastest and what won't. I had fun learning about this and finding Jimmy. I didn't really like having to tip out the landfill in the end but it still was kind of fun. Next time we could take photos when we mix it.
Thursday, 8 September 2016
Plastic Bags
With my buddy we made this to teach people about plastic bags. I found it hard to think of ideas to put with the quiz. I found it easy to link the slides together to make the quiz. Next time I could make the questions more challenging.
Monday, 5 September 2016
WALT.... draw and name the attributes and quadrilaterals.
I worked on this with my buddy Fiona. I liked how the quiz is 3D and that its new to me. I found it hard staying focus because i'm not good at math. My next step could be to make it more interactive.

What happens to plastic bottles?
We have been learning about the progress of what happens to plastic bottles. I found it hard to finish my explanation. I liked learning about this because I've always wanted to know what happens to some of our recycling. Next time I could add more images.
Where does plastic bottles go?
Did you know that plastic bottles can be turned into the latest clothing trend? No? Well after reading this you'll know what actually happens.
The first thing that happens is that a factory takes in the bottles. The workers sort the bottles from clear to colored then they get shredded. This is because we usually leave a little bit of liquid left in the bottles, and that can ruin the quality of the plastic. They are wrapped in glad wrap and ship around the world to China.
Once they finally arrive at China the workers start to sort the shredded bits from clear to colored. The clear plastic is used for making white or dye able clothing, well the colored plastic is used to help make the white clothing. Now the plastic takes a special bath. The plastic sits in a bath so that the colored stickers are removed. Before they enter the bath a worker has to strain the lids out; it helps that the lids float. After the bath they get moved to a dangerous oven.
When the plastic gets put into the oven some of the colored plastics are mixed in with the clear plastic. This is to help make the clothing to become a lighter color. The plastic sits in the oven drying off for 10 hours. After the long wait there's a cart that catches the hot plastic. It is sent through a huge rotating screw that is 270 degrees C. The heat melts the plastic together. The liquid substances are sifted through a sift to make it more like a thread.
The thread isn’t strong enough yet. So they stretch the thread several times with heat applied. This bonds the fibers together and makes it stronger. After all of this painful process they tear the fabric apart again. This gets all of the fluff out, the fluff is what polyester is made out of. The workers ship that to another factory to help make polyester. The thread goes into a machine that hardens the material. Then into to a machine that softens the material. Finally the material is stretch one more time and combined to make a white cloth.
This is what happens to our plastic bottles. A painful process to make trendy clothes and white sheets. They get shipped around the world, shredded, melt and stretched. The workers work hard to make the clothes.
Monday, 22 August 2016
Triangles and angles
Today we learned about angles and triangles.
Thursday, 18 August 2016
Transparent Bloodbath
This week in our writing we were learning to write descriptive paragraphs. We were given an image and were told to describe it.
I liked the descriptive words I used. I liked finding new words and the meaning behind them. The most challenging thing was trying to stay on topic with my writing. Next time I could stay more on track with the image that was given to me.
In the horded streets cyclists hastened past each other peddling at a rapid speed. Sweat dripping off their fresh faces in 18 degrees weather. People started mobbing others to take photos of an out of breath cyclists. Cameras being shoved into people's ragged faces with unnecessary flashes going off. The egoistic cyclist casually smiled and waved to his ‘fans’ like he won an Oscar. Cars become crabby with the arrogant cyclists, PG gestures were directed towards the narcissistic citizens.
The jaded citizens stayed behind the metal gates ready to explode. They bulldoze each other out the way well standing on their fungus infested toe nails. The cyclists stalked each other to a near death stage, one after another they barreled past. Accidents were the main freak show to be seen. Cyclists fell down and hit the jagged ground with their soft feather like skin ripped. Citizens cheered as a transparent bloodbath had started. The metal gates fell and dirty shoes trampled the ground, a catty mob had broken loose.
Wednesday, 17 August 2016
Positive,thoughtful and helpful
Today we made a slideshow/quiz to show our views to probably comment on our posts.
I like how me and my buddy worked together and I like finding the images. I felt proud of myself at the end seeing my work completed and more interactive. Next time we could add more questions for the quiz.
Tuesday, 16 August 2016
We had to create a digital object about the names of angles.
Friday, 8 July 2016
Thursday, 30 June 2016
Monday, 27 June 2016
Thursday, 23 June 2016
Once upon a time there was a man by the name of Michael Gordon Clifford. He has only three friends whose names were Luke Robert Hem Hem, Calum Thomas Hood and Ashton Fletcher Irwin. They all are rock stars in a strange land called Australia but they are also secret superheros.
One sweaty day Michael and his friends had just finished playing at one of their rock concerts. As they were walking away from the venue Ashton heard a BANG and a POW coming from the alley. Music started to play in the background. Dun, dun ,dun. Luke gave them a look saying ‘we're obviously going to check it out.’ The music began to play louder and louder as they came closer to the alley. Calum was leading the group like an army soldier. Calum crouched down with his hand in a fist signaling them to stop and copy him. They looked around the brick corner. There was a guy with a bat and barbed wire wrapped around it. The man pointed it to the guy on his knees. “Hi i’m Negan and this is Lucille and she is awesome.” He whispered while the man muffled through his gag. “What a shame you’ll never see Maggie again Glenn.” He was about to hit Glenn upside the head with Lucille.” STOP!!!!” Michael yelled. “ It’s go time” Calum said. They ran to Negan as fast as teenage mutant ninja turtles. Ashton grabbed Negan’s arms and held him back. Quickly Luke took Lucille away. Calum untied Glenn and told him to run away. Michael held onto Negan’s other arm while Luke began to traumatize Negan by waving his bat around. “Do you know what happens to people like you?” Negan spat at Luke. “You die.” Before Luke could do anything Michael cut him off. He moved Negan and began to talk to him.
After Michael let go of Negan Luke was furious with him. They were about to leave the creepy alley when they were stop by a old man. He stood in their narrow path with a black robe draping over his head. “Boys I have been watching you from afar.” The boys all looked at each other agitated. “ I have seen you fight guys bigger than you.” Again they looked at each other agitated. “ I am a wish granter.” “So you're a genie?” Asked Michael. “Yes.” “Calum what is you wish my son?” Calum thought for a while. “ Ughh Calum can you think faster, you're as slow as a snail.” “Alright, alright.” “I wish for a large Pepperoni pizza.” Everybody slammed their palms to their foreheads. “Your wish is granted.” He put his palms together and there was a glow that went by as fast as light. The perfect pepperoni pizza laid in front of Calum. We were all a little taken back by this. “Luke what is your wish?” “Um…..oh a purple pet penguin from Poland.” There was a flash like glow again. There stood an awkward purple penguin next to Luke’s lanky legs. Ashton giggle like a giraffe on helium. “Michael your wish.” “i wish for my hair to be as blue as a smurf. Zap. There stood a blue haired Michael. “Finally Ashton what is your wish. “I wish I was as tall as Luke.” Of course like everyone else Ashton’s wish was granted. Their was ashton wearing high heels. “Your height is just fine Ashton.” The old geyser said snickering his laughter.
Once the old man left everyone was happy with their wishes apart from Ashton who got alluring heels. Although as he took them off he thought it would be a good present for his mom.
Thursday, 16 June 2016
Bloom's Activities
Application / / 2 points
If you were the main character's best friend what advice would you give them?
You don’t have to kill the deer or any other animal to be a man in your father's eyes. It’s the first time you went haunting it’s okay if you don’t like it. Just tell your dad that it's not your ‘thing’ or you just can’t kill innocent animals. Hopefully he’ll understand and you both can do something else together and just bond in another way. You could try archery, sports, maybe even one of his old hobbies. But maybe go haunting one more time and try to make the best of it. Just in case you change your mind.
Thursday, 9 June 2016
Reading this week
Evaluation / / 6 points
Explain how a major problem in the book was solved. Do you think this was the best way to handle it? Why or why not?
The problem in the story was the dishwasher was being obedience with everyone else but Peter. So one night Peter was told to load the dishwasher and the dishwasher was spitting up water and throwing the dishes out. Peter said to the dishwasher “You don’t do this to anyone else! Stop this behavior at once!” The dishwasher began to listen to him and obey him. His dad asked him if there was something wrong.”You just have to know how to treat that dishwasher properly.”
I think that’s a good way to end it. Peter is finally on the same page as the dishwasher and he can freely clean the dishes.
Thursday, 26 May 2016
Application / / 3 points
Describe a time something similar to what happened in the story happened to you or someone you know.
In the story when the cricket scuttled under the dishwasher. I remember in our old house there was a mouse and it kinda ‘lived’ under the dishwasher and I would feed it little bits of cheese. Then one day I found the mouse in the bath and my dad captured it and I released it outside.
Persuasive writing
WALT....Use a variety of different sentences structures in our writing.
I recommend that students listen to music they like while working. When you have your earphones/headphones in your not going to be a distraction to others around you, because you’ll be more focus on your task. I personally think music makes me more focus because it’s like a pick me up. People are most likely going to be tired in the afternoon so why not play music as there pick me up. If they're tired they're going to lose focus and started to daydream, and that’s not going to be good for their grades.
Music can calm you down and it’ll make you work Faster. Image if the teacher piled a whole lot of work on your desk and told you to finish this by lunch, I guarantee you’ll start to freak out. I think if you took a deep breathe and played your favorite song you’ll get your work done at a high quality.
I think it depends on the music and on the person. If you play loud piercing music it’s going to distract you and your ability to work. If you play classical or any soft music you’ll be focused and get your work done. I think it depends on the person to. If you're the type of person that gets distracted easily, then you probably won’t like to play music while working.
In conclusion I think it does depend on the type of music you listen to and the person, but I personally think it will help your grades if you listen to soft or classical music. Music helps you stay focus and work faster.
Tuesday, 17 May 2016
Thursday, 12 May 2016
w2 reading
Knowledge / / 1 point
Where did the story take place? The chocolate factory
Describe the most prominent setting.
The chocolate factory is a big building that’s owned by Mr. Willy Wonka. There are thousands of rooms with the names like, The nut room,The television-chocolate room, Exploding sweets for your enemies, Stick jaw for talkative parents, Fizzy lemonade swimming pool and Invisible chocolate bars for eating in class, there are a lot more rooms then you could possibly count. When you enter the factory there is a long hallway that leads to a very small door. Behind that door is the room where the chocolate is mixed by a waterfall, everything in that room is edible including the grass.
Friday, 6 May 2016
Personal Qualities
This week we are learning about personal qualities in topic.
Personal qualities: I am…….
Creative, loyal, enthusiastic, reliable, organized
I am loyal to my friends and family.
I like to be creative in my life.
I like things to be organized.
I think I am reliable.
Some days I am enthusiastic.
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